because i have too much time on my hands

a hub for all mymastermine's social media links

and another hosting site for his fanfiction if he gets off his ass to do it


i like to write about add fucking himself

LPMM is the superior ship don't @ me good bye

who are you?

— i was known to the tumblr fandom by a ridiculous pun of a name: mymastermine. some shortened it to mym occasionally ??? LOL

your fav addcest ship?

— all adds and addcest are valid. (except dom fuck you dom) LPMM is my fav and original and the one i write most about and in this essay i will-

your fav elsword ship?

— outside of add though, i really liked cielcest 👀 tbh i'm down for most selfcest ships

your elsword ign and sever?

— my server was void and my ign was a MM (now Dom) named LapisLapin, my main anyway

i also ran a WS named Campanellino who i pvp'd on excessively sweats loudly

i am no longer an active player, and have moved onto other games !

so... do you still write things LOL

begging softly please don't come for me like this

please check my twitter and trello for any updates about that !

commissions? requests?

— i've not done commissions but hey if you want to slide money my way 👀 i have a kofi

as for requests: check my twitter for when i have those open !